Transporting my car

Danielle palmer Submitted this review about Jays Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 5/25/2020 2:06:00 PM
Ran across this guy and his company and I wish I never had, HES a horrible business man, and a lier. Been dealing with him since May 7th and still hadn’t heard anything about my car until I decided to let him know I switched companies transport connections who totally helped me in a timely manner and I am so greatful for Bill Avrich and his company. I’m no longer stressed about my car being shipped because I know now I’m in good hands. Jay you kept my 100.00 I hope that made you happy, I feel like I met a stranger off the street and just handed him money for no services Rendered. DONT USE THIS COMPANY AT ALL!!!

Company Response
Jay Morin from Jays Auto Transport Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/26/2020 4:09:00 AM
I am 59 years old. I have been a broker in this industry for over 10 years. Every customer reads my contract - then they sign it using DocuSign and then I move forward. I get a deposit up front because I advertise the load to all the qualified carriers that run the designated route. This young black woman read my contract and signed it over three weeks in advance. I never assign a truck until the truck is within 600 miles (one day away of the pickup location - Point A). She knew this going in and chose to ignore it (or she forgot it). Sometimes F Rated truckers call me and I might want to skip that truck and wait for the next one. This is why every broker asks for a pickup window - usually three or 4 business days (not holidays). Danielle then proceeded to break two major clauses in the contract. She wanted her car picked up during the three day Memorial Day Holiday. During a Covid Pandemic - crazy timing on her part. I told her if it was not picked up on the 24th (her ideal day - a holiday or on the 25th Memorial Day), that the contract would allow for the next three business days 26th through 28th of May 2020. I told her these trucks move up to 600 miles per day when they are running. I informed her she would not be called until the day before pickup. She hired another broker called Transport Connection run by William G. Arvich (Google him). On the 23rd, Transport Connection promised Danielle they would pick up the car if she paid $100.00 more. If Transport Connection was not hired - the same truck would have picked up her car at the lower price for me or another truck would have completed the job as per the contract at the lower price over the next few business days. This young woman never followed the contract and she violated the contract by hiring two brokers to perform the same job. She also cancelled with 4 pickup days left in her contract. She cancelled prematurely. She cancelled after only 1 day of her 5 day pickup window was completed. Two of the pickup days were holidays!!! Is it ethical to hire two companies to see who shows up first? NO. Of course the other company found a carrier first. They convinced her I was the devil and they talked her into a higher price that was unnecessary! When Transport Connection found the first truck at the higher price - this young woman wanted her deposit back. She was trying to scam my company by doing what she did. Her actions allowed the other broker to take advantage of her ignorance so she paid more for the truck and lost her $100.00 deposit when she broke the agreement she signed with me. I caught her so there was no refund of her deposit. She is posting this review in order to extort me for her deposit back. I can only assume that Transport Connection told her to try this unethical tactic. Again - Google William G. Arvich - the owners name at Transport Connection. Here is a question for everyone: Why is it that thousands of other customers who read my contract before signing it... have no problem with my company? Only those with reading comprehension issues or those who blatantly choose to violate the contract by hiring two brokers at the same time try to extort me for a refund. Only customers who agree to a five day window for pickup and then cancel after day 1 think they deserve a refund. You do not. Sorry - contracts protect both parties. Read what you sign. Lesson learned! Life is hard - study hard in school. Get an education. Do not sign things blindly and then complain all over the internet. Complaining after you screw up will not get your money back. Listen when a 30 year veteran of the business is trying to get you the lowest price possible. Don't let another broker fool you because you are nervous. The other broker literally pulled a con job and tricked her into paying more. Not all business owners are ethical. Note: I wish I could send in a copy of the contract this customer signed. should remove negative reviews when customers lie about what happened and then break contracts. It is not right what is happening here. Perhaps I should upload a copy of the signed contract on another site and then use this site to link people to the proof. This is a fake negative review. Call my office. I'll send you a copy of her contract. I will prove she is a liar. This young black woman is a total scam artist trying to extort me with this review because she didn't get her deposit back. Now I understand why cab drivers in NYC avoid picking up these people! Sick how they treat people trying to help them. Very sad. Jay / Owner / Jay's Auto Transport Inc. (954) 709-7541 (Cell/Office/Home) Open 10am to 9pm EST - 7 Days a week.