3391 Long Beach Road
Oceanside NY, 11572

Other companies that have used or are using this MC number.
Auto Transport 123

QUser Question

Can I track my vehicle while it is being transported?

How do I track my vehicle while it is being moved?


Tracking Your Vehicle Shipment

Auto Transport Companies may or may not be equiped with real time tracking. Contact your Transport representative for additional details.

Once an order is dispatched (scheduled for pick up) you are notified via various methods of Communication such as e-mail and sms, as well as via telephone. Generally when arrangments are made on various routes carriers have an approx. date for delivery. However please keep in mind all dates are estimates, and are subject to change.

We do request a courtesy call be made to Customers at least 24 hours prior to delivery to schedule delivery arrangments to destination.

Ultimate Transport 123 has a custom built platform where customers can track the progress of their order with a link to customer portal.

Customer Portal Login: https://portal.ultimatetransport123.com/

Please Note: Resources may be limited, and vary based on transport company utilized.

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